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K.I.S.S. Presentations

(I have written about presentations elsewhere, but thought thought the advice would be relevant here as well:)

As someone who is continually pitched new company ideas, I sit through mountains of powerpoint presentations.

The worst presentations. by far, are those that are crammed with text, coupled with presenter who is adding his own message to the pitch. I can usually only focus on one thing, either reading the slide or listening to the speaker, if the two don't mesh, then I am automatically frustrated.

A couple of suggestions for those out there who are looking to empassion their listeners.

a) Keep you presentation short -15 to 30 slides MAX.

b) Spend about no more than a minute and a half per slide

c) Whenever possible use pictures instead of words. Keep text to a minimum.

c2) Use exciting imagery

d) Make one point per slide

e) Make sure your entire presentation tells a compelling story, that is, it starts with a one line sentence of what you are going to be talking about, presents a problem, offers a solution and then informs the audience why you are qualified and how you are going to enact that solution.

f)Keep the mood light. Add a few pre-rehersed and relevant jokes.


Below is an excellent presentation on creating compelling presentations.

Death by PowerPoint
View more presentations from Alexei Kapterev.
--Jeevan Padiyar

Reader Comments (1)

Is there a way I can advertise online power points in an easy constructive way?

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermlgreen8753

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