Congratulations to the Winner of NYCENT

Congratulations to TrialX for winning top honors at NYCENT!.
From their website:
"TrialX is a Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) startup based in New York. We are developing disruptive technologies to help patients find and learn about clinical trials that match their health conditions and connect with the trial investigators effortlessly. Our goal is to make TrialX a consumer-centric, easy-to-use and trustworthy platform to bring patients and investigators together and in the process, speed up the development of life-saving treatments."
While the decision was tough, since there were so many great competitors, what we loved about TrialX was:
- A clearly articulated business propostion. that was explained in one sentence.
- The ability to solve a industry pain point by lowering costs.
- The use of technology to simplify a messy market which directly led to the lowering of costs.
- A subscription based revenue model
- A clear differention from existing solutions.
- A defensible technology based on alogorithms (these algorithms power their matching engine)
- A reasonably sized addressable market.
- Market traction - People are currently using their product
- An excellent repertoire of industry contacts and strategic partners
- An experienced management team.
We look forward to working with TrialX in the comming days.
-Jeevan Padiyar